Can You Help With This CRPS Study For Young People?
Are you a young person with CRPS or their parent/caregiver and willing to help us with our research studies to look at Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) in young people?
If you are a parent of a young person with CRPS or a young person with CRPS then you may be able to help researchers from the University of Bath’s Department of Psychology to find out more about how CRPS impacts on young people and their parents. We would really appreciate your help. All studies can be conducted remotely so it does not matter where you live.
Please read through below to see if you are eligible to take part in one or both of the CRPS studies below.
CRPS Study one: Resilience in parents of a young person with CRPS
The first study is looking for parents/caregivers of a young person aged 11-25 to take part in a joint Skype interview together about their experiences of parenting a young person with CRPS. The interview will last 45-60 minutes and each couple will be provided with an online £15 Amazon voucher (one per couple) to thank them for their time. To find out more about this study and to take part, please email Danielle Cox at
CRPS Study two: How young people with CRPS, and their parents/caregivers, think about their future
The second study involves asking young people (aged 14-25 years) with CRPS and parents of young people with CRPS to complete an online survey which asks them to think about their future. Study recruitment is being conducted separately for both young people and parents so please do contact the researchers at if you are interested in learning more about the study and think you might be eligible to take part. Those who take part in the study will receive an electronic Amazon voucher to thank them for their time.
About us
The studies are being conducted by the paediatric pain research group of the Bath Centre for Pain Research and overseen by Dr Abbie Jordan. All studies have been approved by the University of Bath Psychology Research Ethics Committee.
Written: 05/07/2018
Last Updated:06/07/2018
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